For prospective students

About Matsui-lab

We, Matsui Lab, have been working on computer vision and multimedia, with a particular interest in efficient large-scale multimedia processing such as image retrieval. Matsui Lab collaborates with Aizawa-, Yamasaki-, and Yamakata-Lab strongly. Matsui Lab is a new laboratory established in April 2020. We welcome motivated and talented students who want to challenge new and exciting research topics.

How to apply

Lab info

  • Location: Engineering Bldg. 2 in the Hongo campus
  • Lab facilities: Cloud computing environment (AWS and ABCI, a supercomputer at AIST), Grammarly license provided, personal PC, etc.
  • Core time: None
  • Openness: We place great importance on openness in our research. We encourage students to release their research as open-source software to make it publicly available.